Window art work for Halloween!
Window art work for Halloween!
Fun stand up Nutcracker.
Guelph Hospital window art for upcoming charity event.
Exciting window art work in anticipation for the upcoming coronation of King Charles!
Dog Days of Summer art work for Guelph General Hospital.
Pride month window art work for Guelph hospital.
Pride month window art work for Guelph hospital.
Painting the windows of the hospital to help brighten everyone’s day!
Pandemic painting of a cat and dog.
Pandemic painting of a coyote with birch bark additions.
Pandemic Painting #1 Acrylic on board.
Sending love to Nova Scotia during pandemic.
Pandemic painting for Post Office.
Window art work for Post Office during pandemic and Nova Scotia tragedy.
Pandemic Painting #1
Festive window art work for local store.
Promotional cement block art work for Rocky’s in Guelph.
Humboldt Broncos Logo with heart!
Painting of Lt. Col. John McCrae and his dog Bonneau for the Guelph Legion. Acrylic, 48″X48″ on hard board.
Canada Day 150th Celebration decoration for Zehrs in Guelph.
Canada Day 150th Celebration picnic table decoration for Zehrs in Guelph.
Canada Day 150th Celebration picnic table decoration for Zehrs in Guelph.