Caricatures along the deli counter still there after many years!
Caricatures along the deli counter still there after many years!
Giant Sized Birthday Card For 90 Year Old !
The Weekend, Drake and Justin Bieber Canada Day window art work.
Inside portion of card featuring Robotics competition.
Caricature of teacher featuring 1st place award for Robotics competition in Texas!
Post office window tribute honouring the Queen and her dog.
Poster for upcoming Blue Jays game and pitcher Jordan Romano!
Christmas window art work for Royal City Cleaners.
Royal City Cleaners caricatures!
100th Birthday card caricature for Rita!
Window art work remembering the late Prince Philip.
Remembrance Day window art work honouring our veterans.
98th Birthday Card for Cowboy themed party.
98th Birthday Card for Cowboy themed party.
Window art work celebrating the Guelph’s Storm and their great achievement in 2019!
Window art work in support of the Guelph Storm!
Personalized caricatured Christmas card for Hockey Association trio.
Personalized Retirement Card for family friend.
Bakery department window art work for Zehr’s in Guelph.
Caricature of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle!
Personalized caricatured giant retirement card.
Painted picnic table for President’s Choice “Eat Together” Campaign at Zehr’s in Guelph.
President’s Choice Canada Eat Together celebration art work at Zehrs bakery.
Giant 65th Birthday Card and Happy Retirement to a family friend!
Inside of personalized 50th birthday card.
Personalized 50th birthday card!
Promotional window artwork for Magic 106.1 radio station in Guelph.
Promotional art work for Royal Cleaners and Postal in Guelph.
Promotional art work for Royal Cleaners and Postal in Guelph.
Caricatures done for a couple for their wedding card.
Personalized birthday card (front cover)
Personalized birthday card (inside cover)
Caricature of Guelph MP, Frank Valeriote.
Personalized birthday card for McDonald's owner.
Calendar cover design for Ontario Hydro.
Chalk pastel study of cute dog for owner.
Caricature of David Caplan (Minister of Health) promoting new mental ward at Guelph General Hospital.
Caricature of Thomas F. Ryan of Guelph, ON who had invented 5 pin bowling.